A More Innovative Way In Dealing With Diabetes In Children

The introduction of the new strategy in treating any injury or diseases through what is popularly called stem cell therapy has been the most renowned and sought after treatment procedure these days. Due to the proven ability of the stem cells to renew by itself has given some of the researchers in the field of medicine the idea that stem cell treatments can make changes and improve the way how diseases and patients’ struggles can be addressed.

Having said that, stem cell therapy has been used and considered in treating several variations of diseases and illnesses like brain damage, cancer, injury in the spinal cord, baldness, heart damage, missing teeth, hematopoiesis or the formation of blood cell, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, neural and behavioral birth defects, blindness and vision impairment, wound healing, Crohn’s disease, infertility, orthopaedics and even as diabetes treatment.

While most of the diabetes cases that were common and widely addressed are those of the adult patients, there actually is a chunk of the diabetic patients’ population that shows children as the infected patients. It is therefore important to shift the focus as of the moment to such case.

The need to address both adult and children diabetes issues equally is necessary since these two differs in clinical manifestation, its treatment and even pathogenesis comprising the case. While most probably adult diabetes is due to the shortage of the secretion of insulin, the decrease of insulin secretion in children diabetes is due to the damage of an islet in the pancreas. Adults who were suffering from diabetes will experience slow depicting symptoms (to some not a single symptom at all), symptoms of diabetes in children appears immediately which usually envelops an increase in enuresis nocturna or the feeling of being thirsty at night time, polydipsia or the state of being extremely thirsty, polyphagia and dieresis of the need to urinate frequently.

Any child who is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes usually would suffer from s severely damaged pancreas islet β cells. This actually means an increased morbidity in the child’s life. This is considered as an alarming and serious medical case that needs immediate response and remedy. Thus is the need to consider the utilization of stem cell transplant for the treatment for diabetes.

The islet cell could be the starting area where the remedy and repair can start along with those genes that main function is to control cells’ islet. And since genes that are enclosed in this area are considered as the susceptibility genes, having the islet cells to recover is possible for as long as the proper and right repair of the susceptibility genes was done. Pancreatic functions will then be revived thus the secretion of healthy insulin can be achieved. And whenever this is done; a healthier insulin that is responsible in having the blood glucose level back to normal through secreting insulin which is healthy.

That being said, treating diabetes in children through stem cell transplant is deemed as the most effective medical strategy for this particular health condition.


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